Do you need a taxi in Empuriabrava or Roses? We take you
Taxi service company in Empuriabrava, Roses and Darnius
Call for a taxi!
+34 628 032 414
Make my taxi reservation now

24 hours / 365 days a year
Now from anywhere you can locate our taxi services in Empuriabrava, Roses and Darnius and enjoy more free time.

Quality and reliability in all our taxi services
Our team of experienced and professional drivers are highly trained to provide exceptional taxi service to all of our clients.

with the client
Advance reservations
Tourist taxi Empuriabrava

and efficiency
Maximum punctuality
Taxis from 1 to 9 seats

and cleanliness
Maximum comfort and cleanliness
Modern and current taxis

and effective
Transfers airport – station
Taxi for companies

High load
Lots of space to load,
the best trip assured

Taxis from 1 to
9 seats
Skoda Octavia | 5 seats
Volkswagen Caravelle | 9 seats
Straight to your destination
At Taxi Cipri Empuriabrava, we are committed to providing a high-quality, punctual and efficient service at affordable prices.
We are a taxi company that operates from Empuriabrava, Roses and Darnius and we are committed to providing you with a high quality and reliable transportation service.
We make sure that our drivers are always on time and that the trip is as comfortable as possible for our passengers.
We provide coverage 24/7, 365 days a year.
Contact Us
For more information or to book your next taxi trip with us,
+34 628 032 414
If you have any questions, we will be happy to help you through our Contact Form